Writing and Translating within/between Iberian Literatures

Institut für Romanistik (University of Vienna)
Centro de Estudos Comparatistas (School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon)
Following up on the First International IberTRANSLATIO Symposium, which took place in Lisbon (March 2019) and the volume Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, recently published by Liverpool UP (2021), the IberTRANSLATIO group organizes its Second International Symposium on ‘Writing and Translating within/between Iberian Literatures’.
Our purpose is to delve into the intrinsic and multi-level relationships between writing and translation within and between Iberian literatures. The boundaries between writing and translation are not always obvious or clear-cut, their blurriness extending to the textual artifact (original or translation) and to the writing, and reading, figures of author and/or translator, but also of proofreader and reviser. The Iberian Peninsula offers itself as a particularly relevant case study in view of the number of languages it concentrates and of the proximity – (linguistic), geographical, historical, and affective – that binds them together.
Among others, the symposium will address the following subjects/topics:
– writers as translators / translators as writers;
– self-translation practices (rewriting, recreation, adaptation);
– author / translator relationships (from collaboration to conflictual relations; from correspondence to social media interactions);
– retranslation and indirect translation across different media;
– publishers and their role in bridging Iberian literatures;
– transfiction illustrating intra-Iberian relations.
The Second IberTRANSLATIO International Symposium will be hosted at the Institut für Romanistik from the University of Vienna.
Department of Romance Studies / Institut für Romanistik (Room: ROM 14, first floor)
Universitätscampus AAKH
Spitalgasse 2 – Hof 8
1090 Vienna
Funding institutions
Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, University of Vienna (Rosita Schjerve-Rindler-Gedächtnisfonds and Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, University of Lisbon (Center for Comparative Studies, School of Arts and Humanities)